
Creating a life you love


5 Healthy Habits to Teach Your Kids

a child in a red shirt

Parenting is hard. With so much conflicting information out there, it can get difficult to know what the right thing to do is. While being a parent can be extremely rewarding, it can also be very stressful.

According to the Pew Research Center, a survey conducted in 2015 showed that a “significant share” of parents said that parenting is stressful “all or most of the time” and 56 percent of parents reported that balancing work and family is very hard for them. However, Pew Research Center also reported in a different survey that as many as 9 in 10 parents reported that being a parent was rewarding “all (53 percent) or most (35 percent) of the time.” So, while parenting is incredibly stressful, it seems that most parents would agree that it is worth it. Check out these 5 healthy habits we should be teaching our kids:

Teach Them How To Cope

study published in 2012 found that around 35 percent of American children experience health problems because of stress. Over time this undiagnosed stress can lead to further physical, mental, and social issues. It’s important to be observing our children for behaviors that can indicate stress such as tummy aches, headaches, fear, and avoidance. Once there is a concern, then it’s important to talk to them and have them see a counselor if deemed necessary. Teaching kids how to healthily handle their emotions is a vital life skill.

Teach Them To Like The Doctor

This one can be tricky as most kids don’t like new people, needles, or being looked at with “scary doctor” equipment. There’s not a lot we can do to stop them from being scared except take them regularly to help them get used to it. Also, tell them what’s going to happen before it happens. The old trick of getting a child to look away before surprising them with a vaccination tends to just make them more scared of the doctor. Talk to them about why going to the doctor is important and explain to them what is going to happen to take away some of the fear.

In order to take our kids to the doctor regularly, we must Compare health insurance plans with iSelect so that we can get the best coverage to make this a reality while not going into debt over it. By having good Health insurance we ensure that our children are protected in case of injury and can receive adequate preventative care.

Teach Them To Read Regularly

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, reading to our children as early as infancy through kindergarten creates a better parent-child relationship and teaches language skills, literacy skills, better comprehension, and better visual imagery skills; all of which will give them a head start when starting school. The American Academy of Pediatrics warns that children who enter kindergarten without literacy skills are at a disadvantage and may not be able to catch up with their classmates. Reading a variety of different types of books that are age-appropriate is a great way to get our kids on the right academic track.

If we want our children to learn about God, then consider reading them the Jesus Storybook Bible before bed or having them read it while you sit nearby in case they have any questions. During “fun” reading time, let them pick the books they read so they’re more likely to stay interested.

Teach Them To Be Independent

Not only should we be teaching our kids to think independently and to gradually be able to do things on their own, but we should also be encouraging them to learn to care for themselves and to contribute to the household. According to The Center for Parenting Education, research suggests that children who are expected to do specific chores have higher self-esteem, are more responsible, and learn how to cope with frustration and delayed gratification better (both of which will aid in their future success in school).

Teach Them To Take Care Of Their Bodies

Let’s let go of this tradition of making vegetables the enemy. We can’t be around forever and it’s important to teach our kids the importance of healthy eating and how to combat foods they don’t like. Encourage children to exercise by making it fun for them (bike riding, playing on the jungle gym, running outside, etc.). Encourage good oral hygiene by making cavities the “bad guys” that need to be defeated.

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Hi, I’m Thea.

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