
Creating a life you love


What Should I Pack for a Trip?

What Should I Pack for a Trip?

We could all use a vacation, couldn’t we? If you’re ready to clock in your well-deserved PTO and hit the road, we’re excited for you! But, with great fun comes great responsibility … aka, planning. You don’t want to get knee-deep into your travel plans only to realize that you don’t have all of the necessities. No worries: we’ll get you hip on everything to pack for vacation.

First things first: where are you heading? If you don’t already have a destination in mind, we have the perfect suggestion for you: Mississippi! We know, we know. You’re probably thinking, “What’s even in Mississippi?”

Well, a Mississippi vacation can actually bring you a plethora of surprises and attractions. There are several exhibits for you to visit in Mississippi, such as the Mississippi Museum of Natural Science, Vicksburg National Military Park, Mississippi Museum of Art, or the Mississippi Civil Rights Museum.

If you’re looking for an outdoor adventure, there are plenty of natural trails by the Mississippi Delta and the Mississippi River to plan hikes around. These natural wonders are not only the best places for photo opportunities, but they’re also a great way to practice social distancing while you’re outdoors. There are plenty of national parks in Mississippi that can be great places to travel and explore.

Between its historic sights, cities perfect for history buffs, and various attractions, the state of Mississippi offers a unique experience that’s ideal for a family vacation. Plus, it’s always nice to experience southern hospitality while you’re out on a trip!

Now, let’s get into what you’ll need to pack for vacation.

Clothing and Accessories

This may depend on what type of activities you’ll be doing while on vacation. For example, if you’re visiting a state park, you’ll want to have comfortable walking shoes and loose-fitting clothing. If you’re visiting sandy beaches, you’ll need to have swimwear and appropriate cover-ups. Keep your itinerary in mind while you’re packing your suitcase.

It’s generally good to have a couple of clothing articles that can be worn wherever for whatever reason. A couple of staples for you to pack are mid-rise jeans, comfy T-shirts, casual sweatpants, and lightweight jackets or sweaters. These are comfortable clothes that will be easy to navigate throughout the whole day, and they also help make traveling itself feel a whole lot smoother.

In addition to the items listed above, be sure to pack plenty of socks and underwear. It’s always ideal to keep an extra pair or two stowed away in your suitcase.


Can you really depend on those tiny bottles of product that hotels and lodges provide to take care of your sanitary needs? Don’t chance it. Instead, be sure to bring along your own preferred brands. Plus, if you’re traveling by car, you can bring them in your own preferred size as well.

Here’s a quick breakdown of toiletries to bring:

Oral Hygiene: Toothbrush, toothpaste, mouthwash, and dental floss

Body: Shower gel or wash and body lotion

Hair Care: Hair ties, combs, brushes, shampoo, conditioner, and related hair products for respective hairstyles

COVID-19 Essentials

While you’re elated that you’re out and traveling again, we also want to stress this: the coronavirus is still out and active. We want you to have a healthy and thriving time! In order to do so, it’s important that you pack supplies that will ensure you’re practicing precautions against the coronavirus.

A few essential items that will help protect you against being infected by the coronavirus are face masks, personalized hand sanitizers, and packets of sanitizing wipes. Be sure to bring a good supply of these goods with you on your vacation!

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Hi, I’m Thea.

I started this brand as a personal online publication after graduating from Boston University with a degree in Marketing and Design. Originally from San Francisco, I was thousands of miles from family and friends, and needed an outlet for exploring my passions and connecting with others. My goal has always been to show others the beauty in enjoying life’s simple pleasures and to encourage others to look inward for self fulfillment.

Thousands of readers later, The Contextual Life has become a resource for anyone wanting a sense of community and a source of inspiration throughout their journey of life. It’s a place where readers can find suggestions on where to travel, what to eat, what to wear, and what to shop for, from experts who are almost like personal friends.

The Contextual Life brings our mission to life through news, products, experiences, and design. We are dedicated to providing the latest information to help you live a lifestyle that you love. Thank you for being here. Stay awhile.
