
Creating a life you love


3 Ways to Treat Chronic Illness With Alternative Medicine

a person holding a glass of water

Alternative medicine is having a moment. People are finding new ways to manage their chronic pain and illnesses beyond pharmaceutical and traditional treatments. According to the latest United States government survey data, more than one-third of Americans ages 18 and older use alternative medicine. 

More than 50 percent of survey respondents said they use alternative medicine because they believe it would help them when combined with conventional tactics. And nearly one-third of respondents said they use alternative medicine because they think traditional methods won’t be successful. The findings revealed that a growing percentage of people are taking their health into their own hands. 

Alternative medicinal approaches are commonly used to treat back and neck pain, joint pain, colds, anxiety, and depression. These alternative treatments have also been used to help those suffering from chronic illnesses such as hypertension, diabetes, obesity, and hypercholesterolemia. Alternative therapies include herbal supplements, vitamins, massage, and chiropractic care.  Below we highlight a few approaches for treating chronic illness. 

PEMF therapy 

Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy (PEMF) has risen in popularity among biomagnetic treatments for its effectiveness and safety. Often people will turn to PEMF therapy because traditional methods can lead to dependence, addiction, and various side effects. You can look into pulsed PEMF therapy devices for sale. These devices use pulsed electromagnetic frequency technology to create a magnetic field necessary for the expansion and contraction of cells. 

By doing this, the cells can detox, better circulate nutrients, and may even recharge themselves. For chronic illnesses, PEMF therapy helps with blood circulation which in turn reduces pain and swelling, regenerates damaged tissue, and repairs fractures. 

Compared to other biomagnetic therapies, PEMF produces a brief, high-intensity jolt of energy creating a magnetic field that can fully penetrate through muscles and joints in a matter of minutes and quickly reduce pain. 


CBD or cannabidiol is part of the latest health craze. You can find it nearly everywhere now — from a tincture in your morning coffee to mixed in with your daily moisturizer. While the research remains limited given CBD isn’t legal in all 50 states yet, studies have shown that it significantly helps with epilepsy and anxiety. 

CBD is just one of more than 100 compounds found in cannabis or marijuana plant. Marijuana is made up of two key components: delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and CBD. THC produces the high you typically associate with marijuana. However, CBD is not psychoactive so you cannot get high from the product, which has made it an attractive option for many looking to alleviate pain. 

While CBD has been commonly used to treat anxiety and insomnia, some studies suggest it can help with pain management. In a study using animals from the European Journal of Pain, CBD helped to lower pain and inflammation from arthritis when applied to the skin. 

CBD comes in a variety of forms such as CBD vape juice, creams or ointments, and edibles, so you can take it in any way you prefer. CBD isn’t associated with any dangerous side effects or risks. People who take CBD may experience nausea, fatigue, and mood changes. 


This ancient tradition, part of Traditional Chinese Medicine, has been used to manage pain for thousands of years. The practice involves applying needles, heat, and pressure on certain points of the body in order to release or direct our bodies’ energy. It is believed that illness and pain stem from energy blockages. Acupuncture has been used to treat back, neck, and knee pain, headaches, and managing symptoms associated with cancer treatment. 

The practice is considered safe and gentle (despite using needles) and has proven in numerous studies to effectively relieve headaches, back and neck pain, and osteoarthritis. The side effects are minimal and rare including bruising, fatigue and soreness. 

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