
Creating a life you love


5 Ways to Look and Feel Younger

Here are five simple ways to make you look and feel younger and more radiant every day.

1. Take supplements

The benefits of various vitamins and nutrients are too complex and varied to explain simply. There is an extensive list of vitamins and nutrients the body needs to look and feel optimal, and each vitamin and nutrient provides its own unique benefits. While most people understand the importance of Vitamin C and Calcium because they are so widely promoted, there are many supplements you may have never heard of, but that provides fantastic benefits to how you look and feel. For example, Calerie is a supplement company that offers some of the top products on the market, including all-natural NAD and NMN supplements. NAD levels in humans naturally start to decline around the age of 40 and play a significant role in the overall aging process. Taking NAD supplements helps to reverse longevity markers allowing you to look and feel younger. While NAD is found naturally in some types of fish, it is difficult to get what you need through diet alone.

2. Be active daily

Being consistently active is one of the best ways to look and feel younger. Once you stop moving or adopt a sedentary lifestyle, the aging process will seem more profound, and it will be harder to get active again once your body becomes accustomed to being inactive. Being busy doesn’t mean you need to run on a treadmill daily or join a gym. Anything you do that keeps your body moving is positive. You can walk places, go for a bike ride, go swimming, join a sport, go dancing, or learn a new activity. There are endless ways to be physically active, so you can choose the ones that fit into your schedule and that are something you are interested in. You can be active alone or with friends. You can get active at home or in public places. There are no rules or limitations to physical activity.

3. Keep your nails manicured

Keeping your nails manicured will make you look and feel younger and healthier. You don’t have to pay to have them professionally manicured all of the time. You can keep them neat, clean, and polished on your own. It seems too simple, but keeping your nails neat and clean will make you feel better throughout the day.

4. Wear your hair longer

Long hair has always been associated with youth. To add to that association, older women tend to cut their hair short, making it easier to handle. Hair trends also change over time, leading women toward or away from long hair. Regardless of trends, long hair is associated with youth. If you have short hair and don’t want to wait to grow it out or deal with long hair all the time, you can use a ponytail extension to get the look and feel of long hair. INH Hair is a beauty brand that sells hair extensions, wigs, and other accessories for women. Their ponytail extension is easy to use and look and feel natural. Your hair can look and feel longer with a beautifully long and full ponytail without the hassles of maintaining long hair.

5. Wear high heels

As women get older, they often stop wearing high heels because they are uncomfortable or hard to walk in. Wearing high heels will make you look and feel younger as they pull your whole outfit together. They have a magical way of making your legs look amazing, and you feel instantly sexier and more youthful. While many high heels are impractical and uncomfortable, shoe technology has come a long way, and you can find fabulous heels that cradle your feet and allow you to go all day without pain.

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Hi, I’m Thea.

I started this brand as a personal online publication after graduating from Boston University with a degree in Marketing and Design. Originally from San Francisco, I was thousands of miles from family and friends, and needed an outlet for exploring my passions and connecting with others. My goal has always been to show others the beauty in enjoying life’s simple pleasures and to encourage others to look inward for self fulfillment.

Thousands of readers later, The Contextual Life has become a resource for anyone wanting a sense of community and a source of inspiration throughout their journey of life. It’s a place where readers can find suggestions on where to travel, what to eat, what to wear, and what to shop for, from experts who are almost like personal friends.

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