
Creating a life you love


Can Depression Cause Tinnitus?

a person holding the face

Tinnitus is often described as a persistent ringing, hissing, humming, or buzzing sound in the ears. The noise is not coming from anything externally, and the person experiencing it is the only one that can hear it. It can range from low to high pitch and interview with hearing.

Tinnitus is a disease or condition by itself; it is a symptom of a more significant problem. Most tinnitus is related to age-related hearing loss, damage due to exposure to loud noises, the blockage caused by excessive earwax, or ear bone changes. These are the most common causes, but tinnitus can also be caused by Meniere’s disease, TMJ disorders, acoustic neuroma, eustachian tube dysfunction, ear muscle spasms, or head injuries.

High blood pressure, blood flow issues, tumors, and poorly formed capillaries can lead to tinnitus. Taking some antibiotics, cancer medications, antidepressants, aspirin, and diuretics an also lead to tinnitus. Due to the full range of conditions and medications that can cause tinnitus, it is essential to let your doctor know when it is happening. It could be a fixable situation. It could also be lifesaving if it leads to the discovery of a more significant health problem. You can get more valuable information and resources at www.tinnitus911.com.

While depression alone does not cause tinnitus, they are linked in a frustrating cycle. Tinnitus can lead to stress, anxiety, sleep problems, and depression. All of these things, while caused by tinnitus, will also make the tinnitus worse. The cycle of tinnitus causing depression and depression, making the tinnitus worse, is one that is very difficult to break. Additionally, depression medications can cause tinnitus, so while the depression doesn’t directly cause it, pharmaceutical treatments for depression do, which can then worsen the depression.

Tinnitus is a growing problem in teens due to the increased use of earbuds and increased exposure to loud noises. Two of the best ways to prevent the development of tinnitus is to turn down the volume and use ear protection when around loud noises. These prevention suggestions would include not using earphones or earbuds to listen to music and avoiding places with loud noises like concerts, rallies, and sporting events.

There is also a growing problem of depression among teens, which further complicates the connection with tinnitus in teens. The mental and emotional pressures that come during the teen years have been intensified over recent decades as social media and mobile devices have taken over how individuals communicate with each other.

Teens today have to attend with cyberbullying, as well as the fear of everything they do is recorded and shared on social media. One small mistake or mishap can cause years of bullying and shame for a young person. Photos and videos get shared quickly, and soon a single embarrassment is known by an entire school. Bullying has intensified, and teen suicides have increased.

Mental health professionals and school administrators are trying to find ways to best address the growing problem to help teens have a safe and supportive environment in which they can learn and live. However, the situation is so complicated that no single solution is going to help everyone.

Better access to mental health services for teens is a vital piece of the solution. Places like Polaris Teen Center Los Angeles are working tirelessly to reach the young people that are falling through the cracks of the current system and are at the highest risk of self-harm and suicide.

As a parent, you may feel in crisis, not knowing how to help your teenager, and that is when it is crucial to seek out professional help. It may feel natural for the individual suffering from depression to isolate themselves and withdraw from family and friends. As a loved one, it is vital to keep reaching out to them when they try to isolate them.

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