
Creating a life you love


A Week in Millburn, NJ, on a $64,000 Salary

a plate of food

Welcome to Spending Notes, where we do a weekly deep dive into how our readers spend their cash.

Today, a human resources specialist who makes $65,000 a year in Millburn, New Jersey, lets us into her week’s expenses.

Occupation: Human Resources Specialist

Age: 39

Location: Millburn, New Jersey, United States

Salary: $65,000 (approx. $2,100 per pay period)

Day One


On Monday, I had a meeting about a new policy change at work scheduled. So, I told my husband goodbye and went to work to get started. The meeting went well, and everyone seemed to understand. After work, I went home, and my husband and I discussed our potential move. We’ve been searching off market real estate for a fixer-upper-style home. We’ve always dreamed of fixing up an old house and turning it into our dream home. So, after some research, we found a place we could view this weekend. Later, I turned in for the night.

Total: $0.00

Day Two


At work on Tuesday, I had a potential new hire come in for his interview. The interview went well, so I scheduled him for an oral fluid drug test as part of our company policy. Provided he passes his drug test, I scheduled his orientation later in the week. The rest of work went by uneventfully, and I left for home. On the way, I stopped to pick up eggs for Wednesday’s breakfast. Once I arrived home, my husband and I had dinner together and relaxed.

Total: $1.55

Day Three


I received my potential new hire’s drug test results on Wednesday. He passed, so I called to inform him to come to tomorrow’s orientation as we discussed. After a long day of paperwork, I was excited to pick up takeout for dinner at my favorite local Italian restaurant. Once I got home, I shared a delicious meal with my husband over one of our favorite romantic comedies.

Total: $34.42

Day Four


The new hire arrived on time for orientation as planned. So, I spent the largest portion of my day walking him through our company’s practices, procedures, and daily duties. I brought in donuts for his big day, and orientation went well. Later, I caught up with my mother after work over a video call. We had a wonderful conversation before I had dinner. Afterward, my husband and I decided to add another streaming service to our budget so we could catch up on some of our favorite shows we’d been missing. We chose the yearly package and started watching it before bed.

Total: $49.99

Day Five


I had a typical day at work on Friday, and the new hire seems to be adjusting well. Once I finished my workday, I went out with my husband. We took an Uber to a nearby pub to share drinks and play darts and billiards before calling the Uber back for our ride back home.

Total: $35.78

Day Six


On Saturday, we were scheduled to view the off-market house after lunch. We gassed up the car and left to view the house, which is exactly what I was hoping for. The place is still in good condition, just needing some minor updates and repairs. The seller wanted to list it off-market to avoid the prep costs associated with listing the property. My husband and I are more than happy to take on these projects to create the home of our dreams. We’ll be discussing an offer next week. Afterward, we went home, cleaned up, and called it a night.

Total: $30.00

Day Seven


I went with my husband to visit his parents Sunday morning. We spent the biggest part of our day with them. It was nice to catch up with them before heading home. At home, we settled in to rest up for the upcoming week.

Total: $0.00

Weekly Total: $151.74

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Hi, I’m Thea.

I started this brand as a personal online publication after graduating from Boston University with a degree in Marketing and Design. Originally from San Francisco, I was thousands of miles from family and friends, and needed an outlet for exploring my passions and connecting with others. My goal has always been to show others the beauty in enjoying life’s simple pleasures and to encourage others to look inward for self fulfillment.

Thousands of readers later, The Contextual Life has become a resource for anyone wanting a sense of community and a source of inspiration throughout their journey of life. It’s a place where readers can find suggestions on where to travel, what to eat, what to wear, and what to shop for, from experts who are almost like personal friends.

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